First Posted 9/15 on

I have been reviewing movies online, since January 2010.

Over the Summer of 2010, I have come up with a format for my reviews that I really like. (that is code for – the movie reviews I did in August 2009 are much better than the ones I did in earlier in 2010.)

My Good Life Movie Reviews will inform and entertain. In my movie reviews I will tell you the things I have always wanted reviewers to tell me.

If there is a movie you want to see, read my review before you see it, and you will be well equipped to enjoy it! If there is a movie you are not sure about, check out my review to get a feel for whether or not the movie is one for you.

Here is what you can expect in my Good Life Movie Reviews:

The Movie’s Poster.

The Movie’s Title.

The rating the movie received from the Motion Picture Association of America  ( G, PG, PG 13, or R)

My opinion why the movie received that MPPA rating.

A link to The Movie’s Website.

A one sentence quote from me about the movie.

My Summary of the Movie. The basics of what the movie is about, without giving significant away plot details

My Rating according to my Red Metal Gasoline Can Rating System. (see below for detailed description of the system)

My Favorite Quote from the movie.

My Favorite Sequence from the movie.

Who you should go see the movie with.

A link to other reviews you might find helpful.

What I liked about this movie.

Other thoughts I may have.

Red Metal Gasoline Can Rating System explained:

I give movies ratings using Red Metal Gas Cans. 1 gas can is the lowest rating I give, and 5 gas cans is the highest rating I give.

I primarily base my Gas Can ratings on two criteria-  1. How much did I enjoy the movie? and 2. Is this movie worth the expense and hassle of seeing in the theater?. ( I love seeing movies in the theater

Here are the specific details-

One Gas Can – Awful. Not worth seeing in the theater…and likely not worth seeing once it comes out on DVD.

Two Gas Cans – Mediocre. See it at the theater only if you are already at the theater and there is nothing else worth seeing. Better to wait until this movie comes out on DVD.

Three Gan Cans – Enjoyable. Go see it in the theater.

Four Gas Cans -Very Enjoyable. Go see it in the theater this weekend.

Five Gas Cans – Magnificent!  Go see this movie today and take lots of people with you!

That’s it.

Steven Shomler