Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For ~ A Six-Part Video Series

Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For is a 6-part series that covers 6.5 core chapters from my Life Change Story.

As of May 16, 2023 every episode in this series has been released and can be watched right here on this website – simply scroll down. 

Episode Zero – A Series Overview
Episode 1 – Burned Out, Defeated, and Desperate – The Summer of 2011
Episode 2 – Finding My Path to a Better Life For Me
Episode 3 – My 3 Year 6 Day March to Victory
Episode 4 – A Devastating Loss Leads to Three Lost Years
Episode 5 – Finally Some Forward Progress, Then Elation, and Then a Global Pandemic
Episode 6Winter Gives Way to Spring & Upgrading My Journey 

You can find and watch each of those episodes below.

To watch these StevenStory videos simply hit the play button in the center of the 3 images below:





Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For Series Steven Shomler

Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For Episode Zero

Burned Out, Defeated, and Desperate - The Summer of 2011

Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For

Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For

Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For

Pursuing The Life My Heart Longed For