“Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing”

This book arrived in the mail yesterday –Thursday Feb 9!

As many of you know – Wednesday Feb 8 was a brutally tough day for me. The very next day the Author copy of my 3rd book “Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing” arrived in the mail! Routledge is the publisher of this book , and they have previously published writers like Einstein, Jung, and Sartre, and now they can add Shomler to their illustrious list 😂

So crazy to me that this book arrived when it did. I very much believe that the universe is pulling for you & for me and “coincidences” like this make me believe that all the more!

This is an academic book about Culinary Tourism, and I wrote chapter 2.

This book being published is so incredibly special to me and here is why:

For 29 years I had the dream of becoming an Author – that dream came true April 17, 2014, when my 1st book was published. My second book was published in 2015.

I was joyfully writing my 3rd book when my 17-year son Zayne passed away Feb 8, 2016. That loss completely “knocked me off my horse” and swept away all of my creative energy.

I was not able to complete that book and the publisher eventually canceled the contract for that book. Not being able to finish that 3rd book was a deeply painful loss for me.

It took me a good three years to recover enough from losing Zayne to feel like I was able to “get back in the game.”

In the fall of 2019, it seemed things were once again moving ahead and in March of 2020 I was once again “knocked off my horse” by the global pandemic that we all went through.

Since mid 2021 I have felt like every few months things have been consistently improving for me professionally and now I feel like I am once again back on my horse joyfully riding hard, having adventures, and making things happen.

My 3rd book was supposed to come out in 2016. It’s been a long 7 years since then and I can’t tell you how much it means to me to finally be a published Author for the 3rd time!

I am joyfully working on books 4, 5, &  6 – so stay tuned!

Let me close with this – if you have a dream battle for it!

Go Live The Life You Imagine,






Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing