Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing

I Got a Fun Email Today About My Next Book!

I am a contributing writer to a forthcoming official academic book about Food Tourism/Culinary Tourism titled Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing.

I wrote chapter 4 – “The Role of Creators, Makers and Other Entrepreneurs”

This email was mainly about an entity wanting permission to make changes to my ORCID account to add this book to my list of published works.

Included in the email was the publication date – Feb 15, 2023, and a link to a webpage that had this image! (

Routledge is the publisher of this book , and they have previously published writers like Einstein, Jung, and Sartre, and now they can add Shomler to their illustrious list 😂

My last published book came out in 2015 – 8 long years ago. I lost my 17-year-old son Zayne Steven Shomler in 2016 and it took a lot to battle back from that loss.

This book will be my 3rd published work and I have more published books in the works and coming down the pike!

When I was 16 years old my dream to become an author was catalyzed & ignited.

It took me 29 years to see that dream come true and I am so glad that I eventually battled for that dream that used to seem so impossibly far away.

if you have a long held dream – Battle For It – You are so worth it!




