This weekend is Wild Card weekend in the NFL and here are my picks for who will win!

Jets at the Bengals. Winner  -Bengals. I do like the Jets Quarterback Mark Sanchez (USC!) however the Bengals will win. I know that the Jets lead the league in rushing yards a game and total defense, however the Bengals have come too far this year to lose in the first round. Besides Carson is not going to lose to an underclassman.

Eagles at the Cowboys, Winner – Eagles. In spite of the 24-0 thrashing last week the Eagles will win. They have to – Cowboys fans are  only a little more arrogant and obnoxious then Oregon Ducks fans are. Honestly it would not surprise me to see the Cowboys win, however I would really rather see the Eagles win. Michael is coming over tomorrow night to watch his beloved Eagles and I do not want to be with Michael if the Cowboys beat his team for the second week in a row! Besides who would you rather side with in a playoff game – Andy Reid or Wade Phillips? Hard for me to pick Wade over Reid.

Ravens at The Patriots, Winner Patriots. I think that the Pats will win in a squeaker. Welker is out and Flacco has poise, however I think that Brady and Belichick come through.

Packers at the Cardinals, Winner Cardinals.  I think that Warner has at least one more playoff victory in him. However I would not mind to be wrong if the Packers win.  They could possibly play the Vikings in the playoffs and if that happens – that would be great theatre! I think that this game will come down to who wants it more.

There is my Wild Card week picks! we will see how I do. Will I go 4 and 0 or 2 and 2?

What are you picks?