My posts about my recent experience with Barefoot Running generated quite a bit of interest.

Those posts are:

Born to Run – Book Review

Running Shoes Damage Your Feet – Run Barefoot (Insanity! or Maybe Not)

Why Might Barefoot Running be Better For Your Feet?

Are Barefoot Running Shoes an Oxymoron?

Barefoot Running Shoe Options and Barefoot Running Tips

Responding to the feedback I have received I came across a number of interesting barefoot running websites. Here are 5 of them that you might find helpful.

Here they are- (not much content yet, however what is there is solid)

and of course-

Let me know if I missed any other good Barefoot Running websites!



“Michael Sandler, former speed skater and professional level cyclist, suffered multiple injuries over the course of a lifetime, the last of which occurred just over 3 years ago. Weeks before a planned inline skating world record attempt across the country (LA to NYC) to raise awareness around ADD/ADHD, Michael experienced a life altering accident. While inline skating down Boulder Creek Trail, a father and toddler stepped in front of Michael’s path. To avoid a collision, Michael jumped backwards, landing on concrete. The result – a broken arm, broken hip and shattered femur. Doctors told him the usual story – he may not be able to keep his leg… he may not be able to walk again… he most definitely would never be able to run again.

Fortunately, Michael doesn’t believe in limitations. He’ll be the first to tell you he doesn’t believe in the word, “Can’t”. Slowly but surely, through a combination of determination, meditation, trust in the universe and the power of nature, Michael became a walking miracle.

In 2006, a week out of his living room hospital-bed, Michael set the record for finishing the Bolder Boulder 10K on crutches (and a broken arm). Two weeks later, Michael finished the Denver Half Marathon on crutches and became the only person to ever complete the half marathon on crutches.

When he finally got off his crutches, Michael gradually worked himself into barefoot running. He was still being told he couldn’t run anymore, and with a ‘leg length discrepancy’ of over 10 millimeters, struggled to find balance and overcome nagging pain. Known as ‘Mr. Plantar Fasciitis’, as he needed custom orthotics just to walk across the living room floor, going barefoot was a major leap of faith. The first day, he ran 100 yards. Then he iced his feet for 2 days. The second time, he ran 200 yards. Then iced for another 2 days. And so it went. Today, Michael can be seen barefoot running up Flagstaff Mountain passing road cyclists. He’s capable of running 50+ miles barefoot and is currently averaging 80-100 miles barefoot running a week.

To Michael, barefoot running is not running at all. He says, “I don’t run anymore. I dance.” The benefits are multifold. Barefoot running activates many more small muscle groups than running with shoes. It allows us to run as our hunter-gatherer ancestors did – the natural way our body was intended to run. It heals old sports injuries and by promoting a more natural form, gives us greater feedback from the ground, and by keeping us lower to the ground, it prevents new injuries. Barefoot running naturally promotes better, more efficient running posture and allows runners to surpass any speed they were ever able to attain with shoes. While the body heals, strengthens and economizes, the spirit heals and awakens. There’s something to be said about feeling the earth beneath one’s feet – feeling connected and grounded with nature. Suddenly, you’re thinking more clearly and you’re on top of the world.”

From –

rediscover barefoot running, learn about minimal running footwear

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The purpose of this blog is to explore shodless running and shodless life in general. I live in the United States, so this information is obviously skewed in that direction, and my experiences with the people around me.

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Why barefoot running works

First of all, barefoot running allows the foot to move, land, and absorb shock (referred to scientifically as the impact transient) naturally. Modern running shoes, while designed to prevent injury, actually increase the likelihood of injury largely by restricting the movement of the foot, and thereby allowing the foot musculature to atrophy. Squeezed and cushioned, the foot contributes little to running. Once barefoot, though, the foot can move naturally, and plays much more of an intricate role with every step.

All in all, the foot aids greatly in shock absorption that shod runners (who land on their heels 75% of the time) end up absorbing in their joints. Without the cushioning heel of a running shoe, the barefoot runner naturally strikes nearer the front of the foot, with either a “forefoot” or “mid-foot” landing. This means that the barefoot runner actually reduces the impact transient on the lower leg, which after thousands of heel strikes the cushioned-heel runner will undoubtedly feel. Next, the barefoot runner leans a little more forward than the shod runner, preserving momentum and getting more push off the foot itself. This makes for more efficient running, and less strain on the muscles of the upper leg.

Running shoes have also been shown to decrease actual running efficiency. Even lighter shoes add weight, which is in turn placed on the legs and joints, preventing a natural stride. The cushioning sole of a shoe also absorbs some of the spring of the foot, instead of transferring it directly to forward motion

From :

one foot at a time | one sole at a time | one hell of a good time

Barefoot Ted is an independent athlete committed to re-discovering primal human capacities and encouraging others to do the same.

My other Barefoot Running related posts are

Born to Run – Book Review

Running Shoes Damage Your Feet – Run Barefoot (Insanity! or Maybe Not)

Barefoot Running Websites  – 5 Interesting Ones

Why Might Barefoot Running be Better For Your Feet?

Are Barefoot Running Shoes an Oxymoron?

Barefoot Running Shoe Options and Barefoot Running Tips