What is a Culinary Storyteller? Steven Shomler

What is a Culinary Storyteller?

Steven Shomler has two professional titles – “Culinary Storyteller” and “LifeStory Alchemist.”

In this video Steven answer the question “what is a culinary storyteller?”.

He shares a little of the journey that led to this career path, and Steven closes out this video by laying out what it is that he does when he is wearing his culinary storyteller hat.

To watch this video simply hit the play button in the center of the image immediately below –


What is a LifeStory Alchemist Spark to Bonfire Steven Shomler

What is a LifeStory Alchemist?

If you want to know what a LifeStory Alchemist is you can see this link here –



the Culinary Treasure Network

The Culinary Treasure Network

During the What is a Culinary Storyteller? video Steven talks about the Culinary Treasure Network  – for more information about the Culinary Treasure Network see this link here:  https://www.culinarytreasure.com/the-culinary-treasure-network/