My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler

My Theme For 2017

Last week I shared how my son Zac inspired me to develop a theme for my 2017 –

Today is the first Monday of 2017 and I began my morning with coffee in the mug pictured above.

Go Live The Life You Imagine

In the summer of 2011 I decided to leave corporate banking and become a Writer, a Speaker and an Author. I set eight goals and by the summer of 2015 I had hit four of those goals.

By the summer of 2015 #1 I was a Writer, #2 I was an Author, #3 I was part of the Portland culinary community and #4 I was self-employed – #NoBoss #NoCubicle

That journey was inspired by Henry David Thoreau’s words “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams…”

Since the summer of 2015 I have bean living part of the the life I imagined back in the summer of 2011.

I am now five and half years into that journey and I am going to make 2017 My Next Level Year. It’s time to take it to the next level.

My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler

My Next Level Year

In 2017 I am going to take it to the next level.  2017 is going to be My Next Level Year.

I am now partially living the life I imagined back in the summer of 2011 and this year I am going to put the work in so that by the end of 2017 I am more fully living that life.

My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler

Effective Excellent Enjoy

I have three specific focus areas for 2017. I am calling it my E3 Focus.

For me, part of having a next level year in 2017 is increasing my effectiveness professionally, having my projects marked by excellence, and taking the time to enjoy the path I am walking.

I will be regularly reviewing my work week with an eye toward Effectiveness, Excellence and Enjoyment.  I also have two people that I am conferring with about these three focus areas.

Lastly I have a Battle Winning Battle Cry that I will be using everyday —

Battle Grind Execute My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler

Battle Grind Execute 

I am going to Battle with tenacity, Grind daily and joyfully, and Execute with alacrity.

Battle with Tenacity defines Tenacity this away — Tenacity [tuh-nas-i-tee] the quality of being tenacious, or of holding fast; persistence.

If you are battling for a dream, or bootstrapping your way to a better life, or pursing the live you imagine, you are going to have to battle.

Occasionally you will be kicked in the gut (or worse) and to get through those tough times you will need to battle with tenacity.

Grind Daily and Joyfully

Grind Daily 

Urban dictionary says that being on the grind “means to work hard, always be hustling…”

If you want to succeed you are going to need to grind and you are going to need to grind every day.

Let me clarify. I have learned that resting is productive. I get more done in a four consecutive 12 hour days, than I do in a four consecutive 16 hour days. when I put in four consecutive 16 hour work days, my performance and effectiveness begins to greatly dimmish. I have learned that I need rest. I now rest so that I can grind more effectively.

To that end, I currently work 6 to 6.5  days a week, and every day I make sure that I take time to rest. I encourage you to find your Grind/Rest rhythm so that you can maximize your effectiveness.

Grinding daily is a mindset and an expression of my willingness to pay the price needed to live the life I imagine. I see lots of people who fail because that are not willing to pay to the price and they are not willing to grind daily. If you are not willing to work 60-80 hours a week for 1-2 years, you won’t make it.

Grind Joyfully 

Twice I have been lucky enough to meet with Super Bowl winning Quarterback Trent Dilfer and both times he passionately  talked about the importance of loving what you do.

If you can’t grind joyfully,  you won’t make it. It’s that simple.

Do you love whatever it is you are doing?

Do you love Music? or Cooking? or Writing? or Making YouTube videos? or Running Your Business?

If you can’t grind joyfully,  you won’t make it. Period.

Execute with Alacrity

“Inspiration without execution is eventually deeply discouraging.” – Steven Shomler. Yes, I said that and you yes can quote me on it.

“Inspiration is a dangerous thing.” I said that as well and it is so true.

If you get inspired and a fire gets started in your heart to become an author, or to start a business, or to lose weight, and you don’t nurture that fire from a Spark to Bonfire and start battling for that dream, your heart fire will become a heart ache that smolders and never goes away.

If you have been inspired to change your life for the better, you must execute. You must “perform or do.” Furthermore you must execute with alacrity.

I love the word alacrity! defines Alacrity  this away –Alacrity [uh-lak-ri-tee]   1. cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness.   2. liveliness; briskness.

You can tell when someone has passion and alacrity.

If you want to achieve, you need to be a person of passion and you need to execute with alacrity.


Battle Grind Execute My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler

My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler

2017 – My Next Level Year 

2017 is going to be my next level year and I am going to be effective in my professional life, my projects are going to be excellent, and I am going make sure that I enjoy my personal life.

I am going to Battle with tenacity, Grind daily and joyfully, and Execute with alacrity.

I invite you to to make the most of your 2017. Take the time to come up with your 2017 theme. You are so worth it.

I am Steven Shomler and I believe in the beauty of your dream and I know that you can go live the life you imagine.

If you would like me to speak at your event email me at




Battle Grind Execute My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler

Steven Shomler

My Next Level Year 2017 Steven Shomler