Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Tuesday Evening July 13, 2021 6 PM – 9 PM

Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Tuesday Evening July 13, 2021 6 PM – 9 PM

I recently ran into my friend Gaudencio Felipe and he asked me if I would help him promote a fun monthly event he was going to be starting up at Mixteca – the awesome restaurant his family runs.

Gaudencio went on to tell me about the monthly “Celebrating Mezcal” event he is going to have the 2nd Tuesday of every month at Mixteca. During this event they will feature a specific Mezcal and offer both a taster shot of that mezcal, as well as a special cocktail made that month’s mezcal.

I told Gaudencio that I would be happy to donate my time to help him get the word out and that I would be delighted to host their first “Celebrating Mezcal” event.

I invite you to join me Tuesday July 13, 2021, from 6 PM to 9 PM at Mixteca – we are going to have lots of fun!


To watch this video hit the play button in the center of the image below

Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon

Los Nahuales Reposado

The mezcal being featured Tuesday evening July 13 is Los Nahuales Reposado. This mezcal has light caramel undertones with a subtle mesquite smokiness and a sustained finish coming from the oak barrels (66% French Oak, 33% American White Oak) this mezcal is aged in. Los Nahuales Reposado is vivid, complex, and very well structured.


Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon

The Smoke is my Spirit Animal Margarita

Once you finish savoring your taster of Los Nahuales Reposado I encourage you to order the special cocktail that Gaudencio has come up with. I have had this cocktail and it is stellar!

Squash Blossom Quesadilla

Not to be out done, Mixteca Chef Paula Asunción has come up with a wonderful special that will be served Tuesday evening – the Squash Blossom Quesadilla.

This quesadilla is made with an organic corn masa tortilla, quesillo AKA Oaxaca cheese, and a squash blossom.

This is a really good quesadilla!

Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Quesillo AKA Oaxaca Cheese

*Quesillo is a white, semi hard cheese that was first made in the Southern Mexico state of Oaxaca. Quesillo is made with a complicated production process known as pasta filata. Another cheese made with this method is mozzarella.

The pasta filata process for making cheese is originally from Italy and it was brought to Mexico by Dominican friars who settled in Oaxaca. Water buffalo milk was unavailable, so they used cow’s milk and thus quesillo AKA Oaxaca cheese was born!

I hope to see you Tuesday evening!



Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon Celebrating Mezcal at Mixteca Portland, Oregon